About the Event
“Your 90 secs” is one of the online events organised by MIMA, which provides a platform for children(up to age 18 years) to showcase their imagination beyond reality in the form of a 90-second video. It also offers an opportunity for the student with camera-shy to put their first step towards becoming expressive, which is very important for every child in this competitive world.
Topics for this year
1. What if? There is No Education
2. What if? There are No Trees
3 What if? There are no Humans
The perks for the participants
* Participation Certificate for all
* Best Video will get a chance to win a cash prize
* Most liked video will get a special prize (Combined of Facebook & Instagram)
* Your Video will be featured on our social media platforms
Results of this year are as below

Congratulations! to all the winners.